Help Employees Fall In Love With A Secure Mindset: A Guide for Security Professionals
Ahhh, love is in the air, and what better time to explore the delicate art of fostering a love for being cyber safe within organizations? Security Professionals play a crucial role in creating a workplace environment where employees not only understand the importance of cybersecurity but also embrace it with open arms. But, alas, wooing people is easier said than done. That’s why we’ve gathered some resources to help you in your efforts.
The Heart Of A Great Security Culture
Creating a culture in your workplace that has a positive impact on the business’ overall security posture and the employees themselves is not straightforward. After all, we’re dealing with, well, human beings. Like in any healthy relationship, a strong bond is built through trust and good communication.
Building Healthy Cyber Security Cultures: Featuring Nadja El Fertasi, Founder Thrive with EQ
Using The Power of Words
These conversations with security awareness experts will give you some great perspectives to start or enhance your security awareness program starting with the language you use:
No More Hackers In Hoodies - Using Optimism Not FUD: Featuring Lisa Plaggemier, Executive Director, National Cybersecurity Alliance
Undermining Security Awareness: Featuring Amy Dearwester, Assoc. Director of Information Security Strategy & Innovation
Both of these experts cite that shifting away from negative or scary undertones - and using more encouraging and positive language, will drastically improve and increase security awareness retention within your organization.
How to Create Strong Security Awareness Programs
Creating strong awareness programs do not happen in a vacuum, so it can seem challenging to get started. Learn from other security awareness professionals who’ve been successful in building and scaling positive security awareness programs in their organizations.
Security Awareness Training Done Right: With Panelists Dutch Schwartz, Ryan Cloutier, Nadja El Fertasi, and Gaby Friedlander
Evolving With Security Awareness: Featuring Dennis Legori, Associate Director for Security Awareness & Digital Communications
Managing the Human Side of Security Awareness
Is your security awareness program better characterized as 'risk management' or 'knowledge transfer'? Ultimately, it's not just about what people know, but rather, it's their actions that truly count in the end. How do we manage and cultivate that? These experts share some great insights that demonstrate not everything has to be complex to move the needle in managing the human element.
The Game of Managing Human Risk: Featuring Alexandra Panaretos
Human Factors in Security Awareness: Featuring Robin Lennon, VP, Human Factors-Cyber
Sharing The Security Awareness Love Through Ambassador Programs
We know involving others across the organization can make a big difference in drumming up interest and relevance for raising awareness, but how do you get started? Here are some ideas on how to go about it.
Creating An Ambassador Program for Security Awareness: Featuring Nandita Bery, Director of InfoSec
Security Awareness Love Is Hard To Measure
Communicating the value and impact of your security awareness efforts can be challenging, but it’s mission-critical. These conversations can help give ideas on how to do that.
Communicating the Value Of Your Security Awareness Program: Featuring Ava Woods-Fleegal, Global Security Awareness Leader
Evaluating Your Security Awareness Program: Nadine Michaelides, CEO, and Security and Crime Psychologist
Sourced from our Security Awareness Manager Community
Generative AI for Security Awareness and Security Culture: Contributed by Brian Roberts, Solution Manager - Information Security Awareness
Security Champion Success Guide: Contributed by Dustin Lehr, Sr Dir Platform Security/ Deputy CISO
Weakest Link: How to Diagnose, Detect, and Defend Users from Phishing: Contributed by Robert Scanlon, IT Security Awareness Instructor
How Instituting a ‘Just Culture’ Improves Security: via Dark Reading by Samuel Greengard
Fostering a security culture isn’t that different from nurturing a caring relationship - it takes effort, time, and patience. It's well worth it, not just for the business, but for all the individuals in your company. We hope these resources can help you as you work to build a workplace where cybersecurity is not viewed as a chore, but rather as a mutual benefit helping it become something they love to do!
Ayelet HaShachar Penrod
A passionate security awareness advocate, I connect and support security professionals as a Community Manager while also managing customer accounts for **Wizer Managed**, our security awareness service. Driven by 4 years of learning from cybersecurity experts, I’m committed to making security awareness accessible to all—individuals, small businesses, nonprofits, and enterprises alike.