June 2024: New Security Awareness Content

New wizer Video Release | June 2024


Supply Chain Risk

Imagine a hacker getting into your system through a vendor’s email! Raise awareness with your team about these supply chain threats, including data leaks, breaches, and malware attacks. A hacked vendor account can cause serious damage to your company.

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Real Story: Phone AND Passcode STOLEN

It’s one thing to have your phone stolen with it locked, but imagine they stole your passcode, too. 😱 Learn about this new trending scam & some tips to reduce the repercussions of this type of theft.

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New Specialized Courses!

Our Course Library has an update! 

Malware Course (NEW!): Train your team to look out for counterfeit software, unknown USBs, malicious browser extensions, and more.

Contains 4 videos + 3 quiz questions for short, sweet, and effective micro-learning!

Advanced Phishing Course (IMPROVED!): Newly revamped, this course covers sneaky phishing tactics such as Call Back scams, dynamic phishing links, fake business listings, and QR code scams.

Contains 5 videos + 3 quiz questions.

Check Out The New Courses





Your Security Awareness Plan: Advanced Phishing

Tired of dull phishing simulations? Shake things up with innovative techniques that spark team engagement and enhance learning! 

Month 6 of our Security Awareness Plan is all about involving the team in proactive learning focused on phishing awareness.

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Developer Edition (1)

Latest CTF Breakdown #23: Request Processor 

In this challenge, we're uncovering an application logic flaw with a big security impact. We break it down where it goes wrong and what can be done to fix it.

Share this with your development team to help them continue to #CodeWizer.

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Top 5 Phishing Simulation Templates - June Edition

New phishing templates are available to use in a phishing simulation. Boost customers can find them in the Wizer library here or download a PDF to highlight these types of scenarios during in-person training.