Developers & Hackers!
Can you Capture All the Flags in 6 hours?
Join us for a 6 Hour CTF Blitz!
Victory belongs to those who hack the most challenges fastest.
The winners will receive Swag & Cash prizes!
Developers & Hackers!
Can you Capture All the Flags in 6 hours?
Join us for a 6 Hour CTF Blitz!
Victory belongs to those who hack the most challenges fastest.
The winners will receive Swag & Cash prizes!
Our Past Events:
Snag Some Looot!
Cash and swag are up for grabs in our CTF Challenge awarded
to the fastest solvers and the best writeups!
Can you Capture All the Flags in 6 Hours?
How fast can you solve all 6 challenges?
To the individuals who can capture all the flags in the shortest amount of time wins!
Push Your Skills
With the clock ticking you’ll challenge yourself to see how well you really know your stuff.
Cash Prizes & Swag!
Need we say more?
Learn to Code Wizer
There‘ll be learning opportunities along the - as developers, you‘ll learn tips and tricks to improve your coding skills for writing more secure code.
Save The Date!
Join the Challenge!
Join the Challenge!
Something Powerful
Tell The Reader More
The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.
- Bullets are great
- For spelling out benefits and
- Turning visitors into leads.
Something Powerful
Tell The Reader More
The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.
- Bullets are great
- For spelling out benefits and
- Turning visitors into leads.