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An initiative of our Security Awareness Manager Community
Each section below has a place to submit more great content you know of to help other managers in their efforts to start, strengthen, or improve their own campaigns. We can't wait to see what you add!
PowerPoint Presentations
If you are looking for the best security awareness training presentation for employees that's ready to go (and free!), look no further!
Downloadable cheat sheets, quick guides, and checklists to use for spreading awareness to employees or the leadership. Something for everyone.
Professional Development
Building a security awareness program? What should you be aware of when creating a training? Looking for courses to grow your knowledge? Start here.
Wizer Cyber Podcast
Catch the latest conversations in security awareness from Wizer's community live streams as well as find community-recommended podcasts and episodes for insights on security awareness, human factor, behavior, psychology, and security culture!
Articles & Books
Looking for some light (or not so light) reading on all things Security Awareness, Security Culture and Human Factors? Check out our crowdsourced library.