CyberSecurity Memes and Phishing Memes of 2024 - Part 2
#1 Weak Password StarWars Meme
This May The Fourth we were inspired by the master himself to share his Jedi wisdom on weak passwords. There's more to keeping accounts safe than the length of your password, but it's definitely a good start.
But what is considered a long password these days? For starters, make it 12+ characters and throw in a mix of numbers, capitalization, and special characters. But they don't have to be a headache to type - passphrases can be an easy way to create strong and long passwords as the first layer to securing your accounts. Get a breakdown of how to create a strong password and other tips for securing your accounts here.
#2 Gift Card Scam Meme
The gift card ruse for the "CEO" - an oldie but a goodie, at least still for cybercriminals. Thankfully, with more concerted efforts on the retail end, this particular fraud is declining but it's still a good idea to raise the conversation with new hires, especially those new to the workforce and unfamiliar with company protocols.
This meme is a fun way to bring the topic up and ensure everyone knows the CEO - or any other manager - will ask for gift cards and to 'just give them the PIN codes' and you'll get reimbursed. Follow up with a short video to help your employees learn one way how scammers get people to buy gift cards and what they can do to protect themselves.
#3 Security Awareness Training LMS Meme
No one likes to have their time wasted - especially hard-working employees who have a lot to juggle. Having mandatory training is one thing whether for industry regulations or compliance, but being locked into mind-numbing, long content generates more frustration than it does actual training.
Compliance training for GDPR, HIPAA, DEI, and more doesn't have to be aggravating. Wizer's short, 1-minute compliance training videos helps employees learn the most critical points easily and quickly. They actually get trained, and you stay compliant. And did we mention our LMS leaves admin with a lighter workload, and employees happy. :)
#4 Password Manager Meme
It's hard to create strong, long, and unique passwords without using a password manager - it's possible but gets complicated real fast. Not to mention, what do you do when you're not in the same place as your written-down list of passwords?
There are definitely pros and cons to using a password manager, and there's always the question of which password manager to use and whether one should chuck password managers altogether in favor of going passwordless. Still, even with the cons, it can be a solid option for many users and use cases.
If you're managing one for your organization, get insights on managing access, pros and cons of MFA, and more in our Wizer panel featuring Brian Haugli, Christophe Foulon, and Joe Klein in the Back to Basics webinar: Password Management.
#5 Phishing Awareness Training Memes
Allay fears for users who might feel a bit paralyzed when they first learn about phishing attacks. They want to do their job, and to do that they need to open emails, but they're just not sure. This meme helps start the conversation that some employees may feel afraid to ask.
Another great way to help users feel more confident in navigating the minefield of phishing emails is to use gamification. Wizer's revamped phishing game is a non-threatening environment that educates and provides several right actions a user can take giving them more confidence to know what to do in a sticky email situation.
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